What to take

What to take

Yosemite What to Bring


The top thing on my list of items to bring to Yosemite is probably a camera. If you are into photography it is definitely worth considering whether you have the right equipment to deal with the scenery shots you will want to take.

Next on the list is warm clothes and a waterproof jacket even if you are visiting the Park in July or August. There is still the potential for it to get cold, especially at night and there is always a chance of thunderstorms. Make sure you carry layers with you in the car and in your rucksack if you go more than a few steps from the car.

Cathedral Peak, Yosemite National Park

Cathedral Peak, Yosemite National Park

You should also carry plenty of water and snacks with you. You will need to drink more if you go up into the high country off the Toiga Road as your body acclimatises to being at a higher altitude, especially if you are exerting yourself more than usual.  If you do decide to hike (and I hope you do) make sure you have the right equipment. You will need a rucksack and you will need to carry a waterproof and some additional layers of clothing. Again, the weather can change very rapidly and you need to anticipate this.

See our section on hiking in the US National Parks for more information.

General Checklist

  • Water
  • Anti bacterial gel
  • Insect repellent
  • Sunscreen
  • Sun hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Binoculars
  • Camera
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Warm clothes

For a printable list click here National Parks Visit checklist